Resource Links |
News from
- beautiful and unusual gift items from China, Korea, India, Cambodia, and
other Asian countries.
- iMeltingPot.com
- THE place to turn for one-stop-shopping for the
largest available selection of gifts and products that reflect our
Covers - A non-profit supporting orphanages worldwide. Squeaky shoes for
children, fleece blankets for all ages.
- beautiful fleece blankets of the world and other multicultural gifts
- Hanboks
and More - another new site filled with hanboks and other Korean
cultural gifts and resources
- Korean
Arts - stunning Korean arts and crafts, excellent celadon
- Mandy's Moon
- Wonderful selection of Asian ornaments, magnets, figurines, wall hangings and more.
Utterly charming!
- Chosen
Children Doll Company - beautifully rendered ethnic dolls by an adoptive
mom of a little girl from India. A great find!
- Ethnic
Korean Raggedy Anns - a wonderful collection of ethnic "Raggedy
Anns and Andys" in native costumes. Definitely worth a look if you love
- ClickAsia -
wonderful site highlighting the work of Korean artisans. Great prices, too.
- Heroines
in History - Heroines in History is a division of Victory Press, a publisher of
culturally and historically accurate metaphysical and multicultural books and gifts.
- America's
Stir Fry - Multicultural publishers on a wide range of topics
- Things Asian
- emphasis on Vietnam
Adoption-oriented products for parents of Asian children. Plus a portion of your purchase
goes to help defray the adoption costs of worthy families.
- Making Friends - A wonderful
resource for school and other children-related projects. Lots of multicultural approaches
to holidays and more. This site is a definite must!
- Shens.com Books and Supplies: A marvelous,
searchable online catalog of Asian-oriented books and more. Excellent listing of Korean
culture, fiction, and non-fiction for children and adults. Excellent!
- Multicultural Kids -- Multicultural resources for young children,
parents and teachers. No website yet, call for catalog at 1-800-711-2321. Great resource!
- Asia for Kids Catalog: Rich with books, videos,
dolls, and more. A terrific resource for teachers and parents -- even has hanboks for
- Celebrate the Child: Cultural and
adoption-related books, music, and more.
- Asian American Books for All Ages: This catalog
is produced by Asian American Curriculum Projects, Inc. Heavy on the educational from
preschool through high school level. Worthwhile!
Newsletter - Written by and for adopted kids, this 4-page quarterly offers
nifty reading and artwork for children ages 8-13.
- Adoption Today Magazine:
This bimonthly offers excellent information for adoptive families.
Strong Asian orientation.
- Adoptive Families Magazine: Flagship quarterly
of Adoptive Families of America. I get this, too.
Korean Quarterly:
Informative and thought-provoking nonprofit publication written for all members
of the Korean-American community, including Korean adoptees and their adoptive families. Have something to
share? They're looking for articles!


- AdoptShoppeBooks - popular international adoption
books, including many books specific to Korea and China adoptions, at mostly discounted
prices. (Another Roberta adoption site.)
- AdoptShoppe:
Unique International Adoption Gifts and Resources - you'll find
practical tools and truly beautiful commemorative gifts that speak to the
heart of the adoption experience. (Another Roberta adoption site.)
- Inter-National Adoption Alliance
- A national adoption support/advocacy organization.
(Separately we each have a story to tell, together we can make our
voices heard.)
Focus for Adoptive Families - Middle TN Chapter
- Adoptions
International - Parent support, information and counseling service for Intercountry adoption in Western Australia.
- Online waiting parent registry, information and support for all members of the triad, chats, message boards
including available situations both domestic and international
- Mission to
Promote Adoption in Korea - This site is devoted to encouraging domestic adoption
within Korea. Offers a unique and valuable counterpoint and perspective.
- Stars of David
- A nonprofit information and support network for Jewish and partly Jewish adoptive
families of all sizes, ages, and origins.
- Adoptive Families of Central Oklahoma (APCO) -
Regional info.
- Korean Focus for
Adoptive Families/Tennessee - Regional info.
- The Assistant Stork: information for Vital
Records and Secretaries of State, China Consulates, her DC Courier Service, links for
basic and country specific adoptions.
- Child of My Dreams: A solid informational site
on both infertility and general adoption topics. Worth a good look.
- Korean Focus for Adoptive Families
(National): The name
says it all. Excellent info.
- The Joint Council on International Children's Services:
oldest affiliation of licensed, not-for-profit agencies handling international adoptions.
- Celebrate Adoption, Inc.: MD-based
organization devoted to making the image of adoption more positive.
Thomas Foundation for Adoption - more focused on domestic adoption, but
still an excellent source of general information.
Online - a terrific compilation site of Korean culture, history, and much
more - with an online Korean-English, English-Korean dictionary!
Korea - excellent site on culture and language for teens and others!
- Korean
Information Gate - wonderful portal site for all things Korean
- Kimchi
Club: Aussie based site - great info source of things Korean
Life in Korea:
Well organized site depicts a full range of Korean life and activities. Worth a look and a
bookmark - Tol
- First Birthday - great info!
- Korea Insights: A beautiful site depicting
the full range of Korean culture and art.
- Friends of Korea: Composed of
first and second generation Korean Americans, adult Korean born adoptees, and adoptive
parents, this organization promotes greater awareness and appreciation of Korean heritage
in the US.
- The Korea Society: Elegantly
designed site about Korea. Definitely worth a look.
- Coalition for Asian-American Children &
Families -- NYC-based, definitely worth your time.

GOVERNMENT: You should also check these
sites from time to time:
Because it's not
too early to consider the full range of the joys and challenges
of transracial adoption, for you and your adopted children,
you might want to take a peek at these sites, too Also
see the For Adoptees page
- Global Overseas Adoptees' Link
this is a
graduate thesis written by Dani Issac Meier that is thoughtful and
though-provoking. Do take the time to read this important study.
- Korea Tour - Land of the Morning Calm -
a thoughtful site from a Korean-Danish adoptee.
- Korean American Adoptee Family Network:
This new organization seeks to network groups and individuals related to Korean adoptions,
and will work closely with its members, the Korean American community, and the Korean
government to promote awareness of Korean adoption issues and develop programs of benefit
to both the adoption and Korean communities.
- a.k.a.(also known as): Begun by adult adopted
Koreans, this organization provides an important sense of community for intercountry
adoptees and people of mixed-racial and cultural heritage.
- Korean American
Adoptees Page: Filled with articles, stories, poetry, and other related links.
- Voices from the
Borderlands/Transracial Adoptee Links: Has some duplication from previous listing, but
definitely worth a look
- WWW Transracial
Adoption/Adoptee Links: Numerous links. Settle in for lots of reading!
- International/Transracial Links, Korea:
Specific links to Korean/American Adoptee links.
- Association of Korean
Adoptees, Southern California (AKA-SoCal)
This list is by no means complete, but it represents other learning opportunities for
your adoption journey. I'll be adding more as I continue the journey, as well. And if you have a link you like,
drop me a
line and I'll be happy to add it!


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