you're done with your agency? Not yet!
Your child is home, but he/she isn't adopted yet. That comes later. So
even though he/she resides with you and you have agreed to be responsible for your
child's care -- legally, your adoption agency is still your child's guardian and will
remain so until he/she is released to you for formal adoption.
In the state of Maryland where we reside, our agency is required
to conduct three (3) post-placement interviews with us within a six-month period. One
was with
our entire family at home, and two were done for both of our adopted children at the agency's offices.
As part of the post-placement process, you'll be required to complete
three (3) Progress Reports detailing your child's Physical Development and Growth, Social and
Personality Development, and overall Family Adjustment. You'll also be asked to submit several photos of
your baby and family with every report. (These are sent to Korea as evidence that the
baby is healthy and being well-treated.)
After five months or so, your physician will complete a detailed physical
examination, including lab work, of our child. This information is sent to the agency and is
also used as part of the court petition for the upcoming formal adoption proceedings.
This post-placement process concludes when your agency receives all
requested paperwork. At that time, you will receive the Agency's Consent to Adopt, along
with your child's Korean passport and other documents, to allow you to finalize the adoption in
court and apply for the amended birth certificate.
Note: Your state and agency may have different requirements and
regulations. Your agency will assist you in this.
Post-Placement Visits -- A Chance to Share
The post-placement visits can be great fun (imagine there is someone --
beyond very close family -- who actually wants to hear every detail of your new child's
day!), but primarily are designed to help you and your social worker evaluate how everyone
at home is doing and adjusting. Beyond the specifics of feeding/sleeping/bathing and
health and developmental milestones, this is your chance to bring up any issues or
concerns you have. Don't be afraid!
Sometimes there are initial problems with bonding (a process, not a race)
between parent and child, sometimes there may be sibling issues -- whatever the problems,
speak up! Your social worker is trained to help you sort things out.
However, for the most part, each session (usually about 45-60 minutes) is
your opportunity to crow about how smart, lovely, talented, advanced your baby is proving
him/herself to be. Enjoy!
Next stop? Making your baby a permanent, forever and ever part of your family
- adoption